Wearing contact lenses gives you a good feeling. It empowers you. It feels natural to wear contact lenses, almost as if you sometimes forget that you need them to do your daily routine tasks. A contact lens is typically a medical device that is placed on the surface of your eye to primarily correct vision or use it for a cosmetic purpose. No matter how useful it is, you’ll have to vigorously take care of it. Before, we head down on the tips and tricks of taking care of your contact lens. Let’s find out its types.

Contact Lens Types

  1. Soft Contact Lens

Soft, flexible plastic is used to make soft contact lenses that allow oxygen to reach the cornea. In comparison to rigid gas permeable lenses, soft contact lenses may be more comfortable and simpler to get used to. The most recent soft lens material, silicone-hydrogels are used to give your eyes more oxygen while you wear your lenses.

  1. Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens

In practice, rigid gas permeable contact lenses provide sharper vision and are more robust. They are less expensive when compared to soft contact lenses because RGP’s last longer. RGPs may take a few weeks to get acclimated to wearing, as opposed to a few days for soft contacts but they are not as immediately comfortable as soft contacts.

  1. Contact Lenses for Extended Wear

People opt for this kind of contact lens so that they can wear it overnight or on a continuous basis, ranging from one to six nights or 30 days. The sort of lens you wear and the length of time you can wear them continuously will depend on how well you tolerate wearing lenses all night. Following each planned removal, it's crucial to give the eyes at least one night without lenses to rest.

  1. Disposable Contact Lenses

Most people who wear soft contact lenses are given some sort of timetable for frequent replacements. The US FDA defines ‘disposable’ as something that can be used once and thrown away. A brand-new pair of lenses is used every day for 30 days when using a monthly disposable lens.

Although some soft contact lens manufacturers label their products as ‘disposable’ they are actually intended for routine or planned replacement. So, make sure to thoroughly clean and sanitise your lenses after removing them &before replacing them.

  1. Contact Lenses in Different Colours:

Coloured contact lenses are opaque, custom-made lenses that, when worn, alter the eye's colour. They are a good tool for individuals who want to refresh their appearance without making a commitment to a permanent alteration, whether or not they need vision correction. They are made to resemble an iris with a combination of lines and forms that lie on top of the eye and give the appearance of being a distinct colour.

Each of these contact lenses has their own uses, and while wearing contact lenses can be really amazing, you have to properly take care of them.

So here are the 10 tips you should consider to take care of your eyes &contact lenses

  1. Wash your hands regularly:

You should always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your contact lenses.

  1. Handle the contact lenses gently:

Handle the lenses while wearing and removing with utmost care. Make sure you rub them with the contact lens lotion gently and then put them on or place it in the case.

  1. Remove the lens overnight:

Unless you get the green signal from the ophthalmologists wear your contact lens, you should remove it overnight before you go to sleep. Place them in the case, filled with contact lens solution, so they are fully soaked.

  1. Contact lens solution is your new best friend:

Use the contact lens solution provided to clean the lens. You should never use tap water or any other substance to clean it.

  1. Clean your contact case:

You should clean the contact case regularly with the contact solution. Never use water or any other substance to clean it.

  1. Avoid eye make-up:

Avoid eye make-up as even a small drop on the contact lens can infect your eye.

  1. Keep your back-ups ready:

You should give your eyes a break from contact lenses. Keep a pair of eyeglasses handy so when your eyes feel irritated, you can switch to eyeglasses.

  1. Don’t mix water:

You should make sure that you keep your contact lenses away from water. Even a small drop of water can cause your eyes to become infected.

  1. Do not share:

Your contact lenses are prescribed only for you. You should never lend your contacts to anyone.

  1. Follow the prescribed limit:

Ideally, you are allowed to wear your contact lenses for 12 hours. Beyond that time limit, it can cause damage to your eye. So, based on your contact lens type, follow the advice.

Contact lenses can be a good replacement for your power spectacles, but it is essential that you purchase them from the right store. Specsmakers Airvue contact lenses have the feature of high moisture content and optimal comfort. Airvue contact lenses come with power that can be worn with a prescription as well as zero power colour options.


Head over to https://www.specsmakers.in/ to check out the Specsmakers Airvue Contact Lens Collection that are thin and have high moisture content, giving the best hydration & comfort to your eyes.

Narayanan G