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Glasses or contacts: Which should you choose?

Glasses or contacts: Which should you choose?

Glasses or contacts? It might not seem like it, but this question has graced the minds of almost everyone who has had to choose between them. Not all of us go through life with perfect 20/20 vision; glasses and later on contact lenses have immensely helped those with vision problem live a better quality of life. While some can easily choose between glasses or contacts, many of us are still on the fence, particularly first-time glasses users. Either of these tools is supposed to fulfil one thing – give you near-perfect vision. To help you make a better-informed decision, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to list out the basic requirements glasses or contacts are meant to meet.
Modaka Technologies Private Limited Collaborator
Benefits of using blue light blocking glasses

Benefits of using blue light blocking glasses

Whether we are working, studying or taking time off, most of our lives today revolve around looking at a screen. And no matter what digital activity you are partaking in, chances are you are being exposed to considerable amounts of blue light. Find out how to protect your eyes!
Modaka Technologies Private Limited Collaborator
Do’s and don’ts of cleaning your glasses

Do’s and don’ts of cleaning your glasses

Want to know on how to take care of your specs, eyeglasses or spectacles? Learn from the experts, on how to maintain a longer relationship with your vision partner which is your specs! 

Odelia Christina
5 tried and tested tips to protect your eyes this summer

5 tried and tested tips to protect your eyes this summer

Worried about Summer? Learn on how to protect your eyes from harmful UV radiations and pollution.
Odelia Christina
5 Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Monsoon

5 Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Monsoon

Monsoon is probably the most anticipated and tranquil season in the Indian subcontinent. But this pleasant period is also known for the high levels of germs and bacteria in the air due to the moist weather and high humidity. This condition often leads to many eye infections like conjunctivitis, styes, fungal infections and much more. Just like how we take precautionary measures and vigorous treatment for serious health problems, we also need to take care of our eyes as they are one of our vital sensory organs. So how do we protect our eyes from the harmful infections of the monsoons? Let’s find out.
Odelia Christina
Food for Sight - 8 Foods That Will Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Food for Sight - 8 Foods That Will Keep Your Eyes Healthy

There’s a famous old quote- “You are what you eat”. A healthy diet is highly recommended by all nutritionists, for the simple fact that what goes into your body shows on the outside. The interesting thing about food is that each type of consumable product gives your body a boost in a unique way, so if you are particular of improving a certain aspect of your body, the food you intake should have the qualities to enhance that. In this case, we have listed down the best foods that will keep your eyes healthy. The eyes are, of course, an essential organ of the body that is responsible for the necessary sense of sight, while also becoming a part of fashion, so taking care of your eyes is very important. Do make the following foods a part of your daily diet.
Odelia Christina
Top Actors Rocking the Nerd Glass Trend

Top Actors Rocking the Nerd Glass Trend

Spectacles are known to bring out and even alter your personality, and one of the trendiest glasses in the market is the nerd-glasses. Distinguished by its large, square-ish lens frames, the nerd glasses can accentuate your eyes and cheekbones. Sporting the nerd glasses is effortless, as it can practically go with any outfit and for any given occasion. If you need inspiration before you pick up a pair of nerd glasses, you simply have to look at what the celebrities are wearing.  Here is a list of top Indian and foreign actors rocking the nerd glass trend.
Odelia Christina
How to pick the right frame for your face?

How to pick the right frame for your face?

Glasses have not only become an essential tool for better vision but it has evolved into a major fashion statement too. It is safe to say that they can make or break a look. So, before buying glasses, it is important to assess your face shape and other features to bring out the best version of yourself. Finding the perfect spectacle can be quite a challenge, which is why we’ve put together different factors to consider before you shop for that perfect pair. 
Odelia Christina
Eye Horoscope: How Does Your Zodiac Sign Influence Your Eyewear Fashion

Eye Horoscope: How Does Your Zodiac Sign Influence Your Eyewear Fashion

Are you feeling lucky today? If so, your daily Horoscope may have given you an extra moral boost. It's become common practice for many people to check on their Horoscopes; their day-to-day tasks are defined by what they read. While Horoscopes do give you a sneak peak on the most probable events of the day and how best to enact on them, Horoscopes never say how good you have to look while taking on such events. Unknown to many, even the fashion choices you make can be heavily influenced by Horoscopes. Sunglasses are one such accessory that syncs perfectly with Horoscopes. If you are on the lookout for the best eyewear to complement your look, here is what you must choose based on your Zodiac Sign.
Odelia Christina
Improve Your Eye Sight Naturally With These Eye Yoga Poses

Improve Your Eye Sight Naturally With These Eye Yoga Poses

Today’s generation of busybodies spend half their lives staring in front of a screen; be it a computer for professional purposes or smartphone for leisure. This constant staring can directly lead to issues of vision and stress on the eyeballs. A majority of eye-related problems occur due to poor functioning of the eye muscles, so if you want healthy eyesight, you need to start a routine that helps to relax your eyes. While many artificial remedies cure eye problems, they may prove dangerous to use as you grow older; stick to the proven ancient techniques of yoga if you truly wish to care for your long term vision. Here are some of the best yoga exercises that will naturally improve your eyesight.
Odelia Christina
Try before you buy: The 4 step process to finding the perfect spectacle at home

Try before you buy: The 4 step process to finding the perfect spectacle at home

People generally recognise you by your face, and that makes the glasses you sport a part of your identity. Your spectacles can help people see who you really are or help perpetuate the image you want. Whether you are sporty, fun-loving, sophisticated or mysterious, the key lies in choosing the right spectacles to match your personality and lifestyle. Not only that, but your glasses should also afford you with optimal vision.

But finding the perfect pair of glasses takes time, and with our busy lifestyles, it becomes challenging to head to a store and spend time looking through every single option.

Modaka Technologies Private Limited Collaborator
Tagged: Home Try on HTO
Beat the heat with these new age 2-in-1 glasses

Beat the heat with these new age 2-in-1 glasses

It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, but even more so in Chennai. Our city is known for having four seasons – summer, summer, summer and more summer. One everyday accessory that is mandatory during the summer months is a pair of sunglasses. But what about people who wear prescription glasses? Carrying a separate pair of sunglasses can be cumbersome. However, that’s a thing of the past. Enter clip-on sunglasses – the convenient counterpart to your usual black shades.

Essentially, clip-on sunglasses can be clipped on to and off the frames of your prescription glasses. They come with a clear magnet that attaches itself to your prescription glasses. There are no visible clips. They also come with magnetic metal frames and hence can’t be used with plastic frames.

Odelia Christina